Category: Coupons and Special Promotions
The latest coupon codes and deals – for a limited time only save up to 65% off all orders you buy online from the official websites.
The codes can be used on any of the packages currently available on the website and will work in conjunction with any offers/deals already advertised.
To use the discount code just choose your package, click on “Order Now” and on the checkout page look for “Coupon Code” paste the code into the box and then click on “Apply Coupon.” This will automatically update the grand total to reflect the discount amount.
Garretson, J., & Burton, S. (2003). Highly Coupon and Sale Prone Consumers: Benefits Beyond Price Savings. Journal of Advertising Research, 43(2), 162-172. doi:10.1017/S0021849903030253
Varadarajan PR. Consumer Responses to Small Business Coupon Sales Promotions. American Journal of Small Business. 1984;9(2):17-26. doi:10.1177/104225878400900203